PUB: Forward Switchvox Calls To Mobile Phone

The steps below show you how to setup a "Ring All" rule so your desk and mobile phones will both ring when you receive an incoming call to your Switchvox extension. This is our recommended configuration for 'forwarding' calls to mobile devices.
NOTE: This procedure is also valid if you don't have a desk phone and are utilizing the Switchvox softphone app in 'cellular mode'.
1. Login to your Switchvox portal with your extension number and appropriate password.
2. Navigate to Features > Call Rules in the top menu.
3. Click the 'Create Call Rule Set' button.
4. Provide a rule name in the pop-up then click 'Save Call Rule Set'
OPTIONAL: If you'd like to only have calls forward to your mobile device during certain time periods, you can select the appropriate Time Frame in the drop-down.
5. Click the 'Create Action' button.
6. Click 'Ring All'
7. In the Numbers to Ring box, first type your extension number and select your name/extension in the pop-up. You should now see your extension listed in the lower box.
Note: If you do not have a desk phone and you are using the softphone app in 'cellular mode', skip this step.
8. Now type your mobile device number in the Numbers to Ring box (Be sure you append any necessary prefix numbers for making external calls -- Often you must dial '9' first). Then click the green plus button.
9. Change the 'Number of times to ring...' drop-down to 'Immediately.'
10. If you'd like to see the Caller ID of the person calling you on your mobile device, toggle the 'Attempt to preserve Caller ID' switch to Yes. Then click the 'Save Action' button.
11. Click the 'Create Action' button again and this time select 'Send to Voicemail' in the pop-up.
12. Leave the default options and click the 'Save Action' button.
13. Now click the 'Back to Call Rules' link.
14. Finally, drag your new call rule ABOVE the existing 'Default Standard' call rule.
Hint: You have to hover over the green arrow icon to enable the drag-and-drop option.
15. Now it's time to test. Place a call to your extension and you should find that both your desk and mobile phones begin ringing at roughly the same time. There will always be a slight delay on the mobile ringing.