Your Switchvox system has been configured with "Conference Bridge" or "Conference Room" functionality. This allows everyone with an extension in the phone system to have their own, personal conference room number and customized configuration. To setup your personal conference room number, follow the steps below.
1. Login to your Switchvox phone system.
The URL for your phone system should have been provided to you when your extension was first setup. If you don't know the URL or your username/password, please contact the Enable service desk to obtain that information.
2. Once logged in, go to Features > Conference Room.
3. Type in any 5 digit code you'd like. If you select a code already used by someone else in the system, Switchvox will let you know so you can select a different code.
We also recommend you choose the option to "Play sound when people enter/leave" as well as the option to "Play Music on Hold..."
4. Now click on the "Save Conference Settings" button at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: You may optionally select additional conference admins and other settings, but we leave that up to your individual preferences.
5. That's it! You're ready to dial into the conference room phone number and when prompted, simply provide the code you setup in step 3.
You should have already been provided with the phone number (DID) for your conference room system by Enable or someone on your staff. If you don't have that number, please feel free to reach out to the Enable service desk and we'll be happy to help.
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